Forum Discussion
It appear problem is fixed, but no notification or email or contact from support. No client update needed so apparently issue was somewhere else.
Customer communication on status of problems is key.
It appears to be working for me now as well. Thank you for the update!
- AshC8 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
We certainly appreciate it when the Community brings unknowns to our attention! It helps us understand the affected environment faster, and how many users are affected, so thanks !
- smarttech8 years agoActive Contributor
So, the problem was some communication issue on their end after the update. Ya, an email with an update would have been nice, but as long as it is fixed, I'll forgive them.
- deener8 years agoActive Contributor
Mine also is working ! I would like to think our complaints had some part in getting the fix but more than likely not we are so small to them. I will continue my subscription. Thanks for fixing it LMI, but you shouldn't have broken it to begin with !
- deener8 years agoActive Contributor
oh and BTW are you looking for any coders ? :)