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- mattaldridge9 years agoNew MemberI just want to add my request please to have copy and paste. The Meeting Spaces beta which Ash mentions does not help in this regard. This is a major weakness of the tool.
- Eric159 years agoNew MemberOr have the organizer have the ability to do a cut and paste of a file to the presenter's PC.
- AshC9 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Hi Robert,
You may be interested in this beta program: - Robert Castles9 years agoNew MemberGotoMeeting team... fix this or else... And add file transfer. Duh. It's not really a meeting if I can't collaborate.
- Kostia Khlbprs9 years agoNew MemberFound a temporary workaround
As a workaround to us support people: Ask your customer if they have Teamviewer or Webex and connect in to their session (you can switch presenter back and forth just like GTM). then you can avoid the use of GTM. Until GTM fixes the lag issues and copy&paste works is implemented. - David Wright9 years agoNew MemberCrypes, we've been moved from webex to GTM by IT dept, this is a killer for me and my support guys. Surely it can't be that hard to add? I don't really want to have to swap back and run two systems at onece but I will have to, especially if an ETA can't be given for something that is more than just an Idea.
- Kostia Khlbprs9 years agoNew MemberDear Citrix/GoToMeeting,
Large portion of your customers are Support personnel & IT. However, Its not just support staff & IT that would benefit from this. But many more.
Here is what I cannot do with Clipboard between host and client (and was able to do on your competitors software): Troubleshoot systems quickly and efficiently. I troubleshoot linux servers thru Putty sessions on the clients computer. I have preimplemented 1000s of scripts at the tip of my fingertips using a not so well known windows clipboard manager called CLCL. Also If I dont have a script, I can type it up really quickly in Notepad++ on my PC and copy paste it across. CLCL allows me to hold multiple "copies" in history, but also I can hold scripts in template.
Another Example of what I cannot do (and was able to do on your competitors software): A customer just called in about their servers drives acting up. I login to the remote session. I open up Putty and I ssh into their server. I paste in 10000 char script and I get all of the information that I need. I can then quickly copy back the results into my case tracking system (Salesforce or whatever)
Now I cannot do any of this without copy/paste. I have to either chat or email or use a pastebin. This increases the latency of human operations by many fold. Im a very quick computer user and I could usually get 10 commands in a minute. Without this feature its more like 1 a minute. My speed has tremendously lowered, and im not bottlenecked by myself. Im bottlenecked by your software not having Copy Paste.
This feature is so basic and key that even none-meeting software implement it: look at BiDirectional Clipboard (thats exactly what we need by the way) in VirtualBox or VMware (that you get by installing their "Tools"). Also your competitor: Teamviewer and WebEx have this feature. You are now in the same boat as Join.me which lacks this feature. Im not sure if you are aware but support staff love and learn their Remote access programs. We build a list of top 3 in our head & thats what we love to use. We would switch the order up if the feature list got better. But currently the best one in the market is Teamviewer because of its Copy Paste and other features (sending files). I know that you have the potential to do good here, so please come out of hiding and just implement this feature.
Frustrated but hopeful GTM User - Kostia Khlbprs9 years agoNew MemberIn the exact same spot as Tim. I would love this feature. This product just makes me made without this feature. Its one of those, if you dont have it, why does your company even exist features. Like a Luxury Car without AC.
Come on Citrix, why dont you see your frustrated customers and come to our aide.
We need the ability to Cut/Copy Paste between Client and Host. Even VirtualBox implements this between Host and VM. Teamviewer and WebEX do this as well. I dont like typing up scripts on client when im supporting. I would rather type them up locally and send them over via copy/paste, this is because there is alot less latency. Also I use a clipboard manager, CLCL, which stores nearly all of my preproduced scripts. I cant use them. Your "chat" workaround is a half-a$$ed failed attempt at this. You need to either fully implement it or you cannot claim your product as 100% ready for use by Support Teams. - David3019 years agoNew MemberIt would seem the best solution would be to have the transfer through the GOTO session, with the person sharing having the ability to select all, or pick from the list of users. Then a link for the recipients to download the file locally. Of course in a support scenario this would usually be a one to one transfer.
- Rutu Khanzode10 years agoNew MemberHi,
This seems like a great idea. I am looking for some clarity on the file sharing scenarios mentioned above. Are you looking to share a file that is local on your machine with attendees in the meeting? Or Or is the file on a cloud storage system?And you are looking for attendees to share file with organizer in the meeting? or is it with everyone in the meeting?
Appreciate any details you can provide.