The reports available within Central are great but really do not seem to provide enough information.
When a device is deleted, LMI deletes all information relating to this device, why is this? Can we not keep this in the audit trail and set a retention period on the auditing logs?
The report section should include device names that have been renamed or deleted, by which user and IP address. At present, it's becoming hard to track down these actions.
Are there any workarounds I am not aware of to find this info?
We would also find it beneficial for LMI to incorporate a deletion confirmation process:
When user 'X' deletes a device or group, it should go into a 'pending deletion'. These should then be accepted or declined by another user with relevant permissions, let's say user 'Y'.
This will then be added to an audit table of deletion user, device name, IP of user X and Y.
Thank you.
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