I would like to be able to email the Chat Log transcript to my customer

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I would like to be able to email the Chat Log transcript to my customer

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I would like to be able to email the Chat Log transcript to my customer

If I have a conversation with a customer over chat, then I would like to be able to send them the Chat via email. Or give them, or myself, the ability to save it locally even after I end the session. 
Is there somewhere I can find the chats after the session has ended?

Retired GoTo Contributor
Hi DT,
Unfortunately Remote Support Chat logs are not saved at this time, however you may be interested in 'Session Notes', which do get logged to your account at the conclusion of the support connection.

Ref:  http://support.citrixonline.com/en_US/gotoassistremotesupport/help_files/G2ARS050005?title=Create+Se...

Active Contributor
I already use the Session Notes for other things. 
And that is just one more thing I would have to remember to do before the session is ended.
Looks like others have wanted it going on 2 years now. Do any of our ideas get back to the developers?
I would think appending the chat log into the Session Notes automatically would be a great addition. 
Tc Darcy
New Member
We keep a copy of our chat logs by copying to note pad before we end the session. You can save directly on the customer computer in notepad (windows key + r, then type notepad.exe), or to your own. I save to my own, then copy/paste from note pad to email as it formats nicely that way. Takes all of 10 seconds to do the entire copy/paste/save.

Be sure you copy notepad before the customer disconnects.

Darcy, Cloudeight
Active Contributor
That's a pretty rude and crude solution to say the least. Too prone to human error. IMHO, Citrix should handle this transparently and automatically.
Chrissy Moore1
New Member
I agree.  We would utilize this if it were available as well.