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David Kiley
New Member

How to notify client base of a published release with release notes?

As a software development firm we publish numerous Public and Beta releases each year.
Every program change stems from a customer incident and is assigned to a release.
Release Notes are documented on the program change which is then coded, tested and set ready for release.

How can we setup jobs in Service Desk to:

1) E-mail every customer who initiated an incident when the related program change has been released with the release notes of that program change.

2)  E-mail a pre-defined list of customers (ie our Beta customers) the entire listing of release notes for the Beta release that was just published?

Thanks in advance for any assistance in this matter.


Dave Kiley
Manager, Customer Service/QC
Axiom Software Ltd 
GoTo Manager

Re: How to notify client base of a published release with release notes?

Hi David,

The only way to send an Email to a list of customers is to add them to the external CC list of an incident. Another option if you use the customer portal, is to post a message that all customers see when they login.
Glenn is a member of the GoTo Community Care Team.

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