We've had registrants point out that they cannot select "other" in the State field when they choose a country other than United States. How can this be resolved?
I agree - Ash, whatever change was made needs to be reverted, it's a very unprofessional user experience for international customers and clearly whoever thought this was a good idea was completely out of touch with the user experience. The state/province requirement needs to either deactivate, or be replaced with an open-ended question.
We are having the same problem, and it is mind boggling that GTW has not fixed this goof yet. It used to work well -- now it looks like we don't know what we are doing. It's not a difficult change -- at least add a dash at the top of the state list for those who are not in the US or Canada. Most companies have a global audience these days.
@ash_cannon it does seem to me that this is more than just a feature request, it is a development blunder that needs to be fixed ASAP. A tool that is as sophisticated and costly as this should not have such a glaring issue that is pushed under the rug.
Can we get this escalated up to a problem and out of the Idea category? I think many would agree with me, this is not a feature request, this is a problem that needs to be fixed by development ASAP!
I would like to know when this issue will be updated. Our webinars have worldwide registrants and we would like to see this fixed by early November before our next webinar. If you could please update this post on the fix date.
We currently have "State/Province" as a required item on the registration form. We have many registrants from Europe and other regions that do not have states and we've heard from many of them who are not happy that there is not a "none" or "not applicable" choice in the drop down menu, only US and Canadian states and Provinces. This is also an issue that throws off our reporting and follow up because anyone registering from another country has to choose something that doesn't actually reflect where they are. We often have meetups to follow up on a subject and we send invittes to people who are within 50 miles of where a particular meetup is taking place so it's important to us to have accurate information.
PLEASE take this request (and apparently many others you've received on this subject) under consideration! PLEASE add a "none" or "not applicable" option in the State/Province drop down!
We appreciate you taking the time to make the suggestion and can understand the inconveniece the current setup is creating. As you indicated, this is something that we have heard requested previously and we will be happy to pass it to developers again to evaluate as something to be implemented in the future.
For now, the best suggestion to work around this would be to still include the State/Province field on your registration forms, but not force it to be a required field. With this, at least international attendees will not be forced to make a selection which results in inaccurate information on your side.