On occasions we use a QR code for attendees that takes them to a polling software/tool. We do this when the polling is more creative like word clouds etc.
Question, can anyone think of a place that would accept a QR code in like the email reminders or confirmation or would the email reminder or confirmation accept a hyper link that takes attendees to the QR code?
Currently it appears you can add a graphic to the registration page but that isn't where we'd like to include this.
Actually, I think I can add the QR code to the registration graphics the day before the last reminder email and update the text to mention the QR code and what it's being used for. That way the code would go out in the last reminder email.
If anyone can think of another option, happy to hear.
Thanks again
Sort of related but maybe not. Is there a way to have speaker/presenter photos next to their bio in the program description? as part of the registration page?
Hi @Ken4 this may not be exactly what you are looking for, but you can add a photo to the registration page under Branding & Colors.
Thanks, I suppose we could nest the speakers photos into one graphic and use this to place at the top of the registration page. Not the best but it's an option.
Maybe on a wish list as part of the registration page set up, have area to load speaker bio's and photos
Hi @Ken4, I encourage you to review and share your ideas on our idea board. We are actively reviewing submissions and will provide updates on the status as we know further.
may I add one point to the polling topic ....
is it still NOT possible in G2W, to have polling feature anonymised?
Means, I then do not see, who answered what, when generating the Report after the meeting?
For our Company this is a No Go,
as the assumption is, attendees have the expectation that polling's are always anonymous
So we must use another vendors polling solution which is not really exiting as there is the native GF2W polling available, but no way turning off the tracking of participants
Hi @tjst, welcome to the community.
Anonymized Polling is an existing Idea that has been posted, but so far no other customers have voted for or shown support for it.