- New tailored sign in experience
What's New?
New Tailored Sign In Experience
- Users that sign in to their account via the LogMeIn product account website or My Account page at https://myaccount.logmeininc.com are now guided through customized sign in experience that only displays the sign in options configured for their account. On the sign in screen, users now enter their email address, and upon clicking Next they will be provided with any of the following authentication options:
- Additionally, IT admins can enforce the use of Enterprise Sign-In (single sign-on) as the only available sign in option when their users access their LogMeIn product accounts. This allows these admins to prevent users from signing in with their social accounts, as well as setting up a secondary email address for password recovery. To enforce single sign-on for all users on an account, IT admins can contact Customer Care or their assigned Customer Success Manager/Customer Relationship Manager.
Single Sign-On Enabled