Forum Discussion

DaRainbowWarior's avatar
New Member
7 years ago

Cannot get adapter config on diagnose

Tunnel: OK

Local results:
	Adapter configuration: OK
	Traffic test: OK
Peer results: [217-079-555]
	Adapter configuration: 
			Cannot get adapter config
	Traffic test: Cannot complete test

this is what i get when i hit "diagnose" on my friend's icon...also i get the "relayed tunnel" issue?any help?

  • Hi. I fixed that problem by unchecking items on the Hamachi Network Interface. I unchecked two items: Microsoft PEF NDIS ETW Provider Driver and Microsoft Network Monitor 3, then I restarted the VPN and got it working! Might not be the same items, try to disable many and see if it works, because disabling only one of those two, didn't work. I had to disable a few. Let only enabled Client for Microsoft networks, File and Printers share for Microsoft networks, the IP version 4 and version 6, E/S controller and the (really not well translated) device of answer of detection...... (at least with Windows 7). Let only those 6 and enable one by one to see which ones are causing the issue. Sorry for the items list, I couldn't translate them very well, specially the last one. Hope this helps!

8 Replies

  • DADi590's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago

    Network and Sharing Center:

    Change network card settings:

    There is it. Btw, sorry, that's in portuguese haha. If you want to translate, that's the language.


    It should be on the folder behind the small window, which should be the one with the options you disable. But I'm sorry, I no longer have Hamachi installed. I had to always be disabling the network card because having it enabled would break my connection, and I didn't use it much, so I just uninstalled it. But should be there. One of those icons should be of the Hamachi Network Interface (might have some other name, I don't even remember that right, I just re-read my post and realized what I was talking about and it's here it should be.


    Again, not sure how it's done on Windows 10. I don't have it yet. But from what I've seen when I use it on other computers, it's the same way. You go on Control Panel, then to Network and Sharing Center, Change network card settings, and the network cards should be there, then just go on their options and deselect the ones you want.

  • iamfrustrated's avatar
    New Member
    5 years ago

    HELLO! My friend and I are using hamachi but we are having the same issue described above. Next to one of the users, it says "relayed tunnel." Where excatly is the hamachi network interface that you were talking about? Can you show us pictures step by step what you did to solve this? 

  • DADi590's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago
    If you're asking how to get to the Hamachi Network Interface, just read my comment above. If it's not that, could you clarify what you need?
  • DADi590's avatar
    Active Contributor
    6 years ago
    I think Windows 10 still has Control Panel, right? (the older ones of course they do) If it doesn't, no idea haha. If it does, open it and go to Network and Sharing Center. Then in the left part of it, select Change network card settings (or something like that, I translated it) and there are the different interfaces you have on the computer.
  • DADi590's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago

    Hi. I fixed that problem by unchecking items on the Hamachi Network Interface. I unchecked two items: Microsoft PEF NDIS ETW Provider Driver and Microsoft Network Monitor 3, then I restarted the VPN and got it working! Might not be the same items, try to disable many and see if it works, because disabling only one of those two, didn't work. I had to disable a few. Let only enabled Client for Microsoft networks, File and Printers share for Microsoft networks, the IP version 4 and version 6, E/S controller and the (really not well translated) device of answer of detection...... (at least with Windows 7). Let only those 6 and enable one by one to see which ones are causing the issue. Sorry for the items list, I couldn't translate them very well, specially the last one. Hope this helps!