Forum Discussion

Danny6's avatar
New Contributor
10 months ago

Error when connecting. (Error occurred error: 14094410:lib(20):func(148):reason(1040))

Getting this error when connecting to a client.

So far only one member of my team can connect to this client but everyone else gets this error.

  • Here is the solution for computers showing this error due to an expired certificate:

    As admin, open the command prompt of my computer in LogMeIn Client
    1. cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn\x64"
    2. cmd
    3. logmein.exe cert -createca "LogMeIn CA on %COMPUTERNAME%" -createsc "%COMPUTERNAME%"
    4. net stop LogMeIn && net start LogMeIn

    (Thank you Michal_orc )


    Depending on where the computer is located, you may run into an error "Country too long". 


    The problem is that Windows returns a 3-digit "sub-region-code" instead of the 2-character "alpha-2" country code. Check for example: 

    To overcome on this problem you have to explicitly specify the 2-digit code of your country. So find the "alpha-2" code of your country in the table above and issue the following command in an administrator command prompt:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn\x64\LogMeIn.exe" cert -createca "Default CA" "<alpha-2 code of your coutry>" -createsc

    For example if you are in Mexico, then issue the following command:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn\x64\LogMeIn.exe" cert -createca "Default CA" "MX" -createsc


    On Mac the certificates are stored in files:

    - /Library/Application Support/LogMeIn/CA.pem

    - /Library/Application Support/LogMeIn/server_ex.pem


    First these files have to be deleted: 

    - sudo rm /Library/Application Support/LogMeIn/CA.pem

    - sudo rm /Library/Application Support/LogMeIn/server_ex.pem


    Then restart the daemon: 

    - sudo launchctl stop com.logmein.logmeinserver 


  • Dazzman's avatar
    Active Contributor

    We are seeing a lot of systems rejecting the connections after the users have entered their usernames and passwords, this has only recently started happening and seems to be spreading across our estate of systems, currently the only way that I have been able to resolve it is to remove the current updated product and install an earlier version of it.

    The errors the end users sees are below, would anyone have an idea as to why it appears to be failing the connect and what error 1040 is in relation too.


    • Dazzman's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Just realised that the post below has the same problem so I should have read that first, still glad to know that I'm not the only one with the issue.

      • KateG's avatar
        GoTo Manager

        Hi Dazzman welcome to the GoTo Community.


        Sorry to hear this. From your last post does it mean you reviewed Glenn's post and were able to resolve the issue? 

    • DawsonField's avatar
      New Member

      I am getting this exact error with most employee machines. I have tried resetting the SSL certificate but it did not help.

      • Dazzman's avatar
        Active Contributor

        I have tried the fix it and it worked on a system when I was logged in as a full admin user, trying to do it as a normal system user generated an error when the command script ran as that account did not have enough system access rights for it to process correctly.

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager

    Hi dlorite, welcome to the community.


    To my knowledge you are the first customer to report this issue affecting a large number of PCs. You can use the Remote Execution feature to run the commands in the Accepted Solution on the affected PCs instead of one at a time.


    • Danny6's avatar
      New Contributor
      Hello kate! OS is Win10 And no I dont believe so.
      • KateG's avatar
        GoTo Manager

        Hi Danny6 Have you tried a full uninstallation of LMI including the registry keys?


         If not can you Uninstall the affected computer, reboot the computer, install again, and test the connection? 


  • Hi Michal_orc, welcome to the community.


    Are you seeing the exact same error message? Do you have the latest version of Host software installed?


    • Michal_orc's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Yes, I have On Saturday I connected to the sample computer. 

      I have a problem with about 15 computers out of 300 that I manage in in various networks and locations. Almost all of them are on Windows 11. This is not a firewall or routers problem, I connect to other computers on this network.

      My error is very simmilar 0A000410:lib(20);;reason(1040)