Dear support,
I am a pro member and have it installed on my iPad Pro. Recently I bought a Bluetooth mouse and it works great on my IPad. But when I connect to my PC via LogMeIn, the iPad mouse does not connect to the remote PC mouse. How can I connect my IOS mouse to control the remote PC mouse please?
thank you in advance!
Yes, please build in support. Many of your competitors already have this feature and for the cost of the Central and Pro products it is really not ok for app development to be so behind.
Please add iPad mouse integration with full pass-through of left/right click and scrolling. If you had this feature, LogMeIn's remote access software would be perfect.
[UPDATE] We should have some compatibility coming soon in one of the next few releases.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
How soon is soon? I have been a loyal customer for years now and I have recently started only traveling with my iPad Pro with the attached keyboard/trackpad. I did not realize when I sold my MacBook that this feature was not added. If it is not soon then I will have to cancel LogMeIn and find another solution that supports mouse control.
@lindsandbrandon We should have several improvements ready by early 2021. I'm sorry I cannot be more specific yet.
Will better support for Bluetooth keyboards and trackpads be included aswell? Right now only a combination of the onscreen keyboards and the external keyboard provide enough support to realistically use the app.
Obviously, quite frustrating..
I'm sorry I don't have any updates yet to share. We are aware of the compatibility requests, and will see about prioritizing development in the future.