ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsLogin policy - could more than one default overall policy be possible Aside from the default current login policy, could additional ones also be created? It seems a bit Draconian and old fashioned to have a single policy enforced on all users when some would benefit from having easier access. Clearly it makes sense that MFA users need to enter login details every time and not store things for security. However, for non-MFA users such as trusted accounts these could then be allowed to save details to get quicker and easier connection without any additional steps to systems that are not critical or that do not have sensitive info. Re: LogMeIn Client credentials Could additional login policies be created for the use by MFA users who need the login details every time and for trusted clients who can save details to get connected without the additional steps. It seems a bit Draconian and old fashioned to have a single policy enforced on all users when some would benefit from having easy access to systems that are not critical or have sensitive info and just need quick easy connections. Re: Support for Modern Standby I am seeing the same issue, the wake function from the LogMeIn Client sent to some target Dell machines no longer works (nor does it on a handful of Lenovo V520 devices and one HP deskpro model) despite there being other active machines with the LogMeIn controls in the remote network. The WoL feature in the client routers however is able to send such a signal to all these affected devices and trigger them to start back up. This suggests something is not working in the LogMeIn Client program when used as an admin support tool, ideally could this not be fixed to use both the current process and to trigger other machines in the remote network to send a standard WoL packet so that the "best of both worlds" approach would ensure the target machine starts back up. Currently the extra steps in having to remotely connect and send this info is time consuming and such a feature would be really good to have restored to full functionality on all hardware platforms. Re: Additional info in "Computer Info" details on the LogMeIn Client apps for Windows Still waiting for LogMeIn to indicate what needs info... The request still stands, having the status of a remotely active machine in the LogMeIn Client program is still not there but is visible from the web solution which is clunkier and less productive. Can this please be addressed and implemented or the issue confirmed as not going forward. Re: Communicate with Technician I would welcome this feature, many of my clients have users who are LogMeIn remote home workers in their own right. The ability for me to signal them to request I take remote control of their machine when they are still logged in and sent a ticket to me for remote help would be helpful so that they dont just get disconnected without warning. Method to clear all alerts from all PCs Could a button be created that clears all alerts from all PCs in the system? The reason being that when updates are released, memory is used up, CPU runs high, clients dont reboot etc the huge backlog that appears over a fortnight holiday can be overwhelming to sort through and clearing several thousand updates takes ages from having to acknowledge screen after screen of things and then delete the acknowledged ones is really time consuming and not productive. Having a special routine to clear all alerts so that a fresh start can be taken to begin proactively monitoring and clearing issues would be really useful. It would need to be protected by some sort of secondary safety check to avoid being clicked and all alerts being removed by mistake (eg. a CAPTCHA test). Re: Additional info in "Computer Info" details on the LogMeIn Client apps for Windows Not really what I wanted, just a simple indicator to show if a client is active or the device has been idle. Re: Additional info in "Computer Info" details on the LogMeIn Client apps for Windows This is an inconsistency in the LogMeIn feature set, if visible in one environment it ought to be visible in the other. There is no case to say this enables malicious background activity if it is already enabled and accessible via the web interface so I cannot see any reason to not implement things. Re: Command prompt closes immediately on connectingAll nice and easy except that doing so on some Windows servers will then lock the machine out of everything except local keyboard access. Might be fine on workstations but be careful as this is also exposes the machine to all manner of network nasties.Additional info in "Computer Info" details on the LogMeIn Client apps for Windows The website interface shows the device activity when clicked upon as in image 'web-info.jpg' where the activity status either shows "Currently active" or "Idle for # minutes", in the example it is ringed in red for currently active. Could this also be added to the LogMeIn client app for Windows (and the respective place iOS too?) so that when clicking on a computer and then the ⓘ icon that in the Computer Info window that pops up an extra line of details appears as per that in the example image called 'app-info.jpg' ? This would help for administration works to help avoid remotely jumping onto a system when the user is still present rather than being able to tell he/she has left for the day and the device is ready for inspection/diagnostics as the case may be.