Bulk Texting Suggestion
Suggestion: We recently enabled texting text messaging for one of our phone lines and like its ability to interface with individual customers. There are times when we need to send out a bulk notification to individual customers, rather than a mass text message. This would be a great feature to add for us to contact potentially thousands of customers via text in one go.736Views1like2CommentsBe able to search text messages
It would be nice to be able to search text messages not just by phone number or name saved. It would be nice to be able to search text messages by the message of the text. This would definately help out when you can't remember the contacts information but you remember the texts.15Views0likes1CommentNeed to have auto reply for text messages
Similar to emails, Gotoconnect needs the ability to have a customized automatic responder to people who send text messages. For example, if "John Doe" sends a text message to a Gotoconnect phone number, the recipient (i.e., such as me) should have the ability to create an automatic customized text message, particularly if the recipient will be away from the office for a certain period of time. Right now, on the Gotoconnect mobile app, there is a text autorespond feature for only incoming phone calls. Which makes no sense to have it since anyone who calls can get a voicemail message.4.1KViews7likes20CommentsSchedule "Temporary message" for Voicemail Boxes
Hello! As its the holiday and I find myself unable to set a custom temporary VM recording to the mailboxes needing it. I have to be on the website to perform this on the day(s) its needed, and then replace it with the original msg when we return to the office. It would be better to let us schedule a temporary msg, as its just that, temporary. This would be great not only for holidays but for all users that are out of the office for any short amount of time. Holidays are slightly different since users wont be in the office to set the temporary VM recording (or remove it), which is why I am requesting this to be considered. It could be part of the "Schedule" since there is a section to mark days as a holiday, in that same set up, they could add a msg for those days that correspond with the days marks as holiday on the schedule Adding this to the holiday details window: 2 yrs ago another user also requested this, kinda.. https://community.logmein.com/idea/goto_connect_ideas/activate-out-of-office-voicemail-at-predetermined-time/295276 but it seems that it went no where. So looking to bring this up again.26Views0likes1CommentTags and sort messages in the Shared Inbox
We need to be able to flag messages for other members of the team to pick up. We are able to tag messages, but not able to filter by the tags. Given this we are unsure how tags are intended to help workflow. Would appreciate community input. Ideally we need to be able to search messages by tags and flags to efficiently follow up with patients/customers15Views1like0CommentsInitiate new convo from shared inbox
When I am logged into multiple shared inboxes. I cannot start a new tex thread from from the inbox I am in when I initiate the new thread. The system defaults to the first inbox in the list of inboxes. This costs a minimum of two clicks and 4 seconds, per message.36Views0likes0CommentsAbility to store and export SMS/MMS
We need the ability to store and export SMS/MMS messages, their metadata and content (in case of audits, legal investigations, etc.) If that data is too sensitive to store on your end, I'd ask that there be a functionality that can put it into our own storage. We can store Phone Calls and Fax (ours store on AWS), so why not text messages? Right now text messages are only accessible to the agent involved in the conversation, and to store them each agent would have to copy them or screenshot them manually. This isn't feasible.330Views0likes4Comments