Chat Ability for All Attendees
Can you have attendees in GoToWebinar talk or text "chat" to each other during a live 500 attendee event?? If you can't - PLEASE - change it so they can. It is terrible that there is no way to have the attendees interact with each other - We have a weekly webinar on the same day, and same time EVERY week. Our clients like to be able to come to the event and interact with each other - and with the GoToMeeting there is no way to do that. Only the organizer can see the "Questions" from attendees. Let us know if there are plans to FIX this, thanks!49KViews4likes172CommentsAllow Panelist(s) to See All Questions
Not so much a question as a feature request. (I thought we had a category for that.) Please add the ability for an organizer to allow a specific panelist (or all panelists) to view ALL questions. Currently, must promote them to Organizer, which gives them the power to END the meeting. I always warn them when it's necessary to do this. I point out Exit Webinar vs End Webinar should they need to withdraw from the session. It has still happened by accident. It also gives them too many other powers, like ability to dismiss people. Mostly it works out okay, until the curious "organizer" starts clicking on options!28KViews14likes63CommentsEnd a webinar for attendees, but organizers and panelists remain logged in.
we often have webinars with speakers in a remote location and it would be useful to be able to have a chat with them after the webinar has finished to discuss any issues and thank them for participating, but when we select "end webinar" it ends for everyone, so the presenter is cutoff too. Is there any way to end the webinar for the attendees but for the organisers and presenters to remain logged in?15KViews8likes32CommentsCustomize "Webinar Full" screen
We are planning on hosting several small webinars and expect the first to be "sold out". Once our registration quota is filled, any further registrants will see the "Webinar Full" screen that gotowebinar automatically generates. Can I customise that screen to direct users to register for our second or third webinars being held at another time?9.6KViews0likes30CommentsAdd more than 20 polls during a webinar?
I have a long webinar where I need to generate 30+ polls but I see there is a limit of 20. Is it possible to delete used poll questions during the webinar and add new ones as a workaround? Are there any other options to have more than 20 polls?7.8KViews0likes17CommentsHosting a GoToWebinar from a Chromebook
I need to do this. I can't do this. When will this be supported? I noticed this question was asked back in 2016 as well. There were a few replies asking for updates that went unanswered. I thought, "Here we are in the middle of 2018, maybe it's just time to ask the question again." 🙂 I really like using my Chromebook. I really DON'T like blowing the dust off my MacBook. Please tell me how to run a GoToWebinar on a Chromebook. Even if it's something in beta...I'll be a beta tester.5.5KViews0likes8CommentsImprove the way a webinar Presenter sees poll results.
When sharing the poll results, the organizer and attendees can view the results, but the panelist/presenter cannot. We tried undocking the "Audience View" pane and expading it, but the font is too blurry to read. Our solution is for the Organizer to give an audible report of the results ("25% said they have no prior experience"). This could work, but is not ideal. It would be much better for the pan./pres. to SEE the results than to try to remember what they were from what someone said. Plus, to the audience it feels like someone is reading contents of a slide (which is exaclty what happens), and presenters know that reading a slide to an audience is not good practice when presenting. Is there a better solution?4.1KViews5likes10CommentsCountdown Timer for Presenters (Panelists)
New member here! My company just switched over from Webinato to GoToWebinar, so I'm still learning all the features of this platform. On Webinato, one of the best features was a countdown timer that main organizer could activate on all panelist and co-organizer's screens (but the audience couldn't see it). If the paneliest was supposed to be done with their presentation after 20 minutes, I'd set it to 20 minutes and it would countdown for them. It was the only I was ever able to keep speakers on time! Before I started using it, speakers would always go over their time limit. Does GoToWebinar have a countdown timer? Could you consider adding one? Thank you!4KViews3likes4CommentsOrder the hand raise icon/emoticon in GoTo Training and Webinar
The hand raise icon/emoticon in GoTo Training and Webinar should be an ordered response so the facilitator can tell who raised their hand first, second, etc. This gives the facilitator the ability to incorporate some competition-based Q&A. The facilitator can also tie in rewards/incentives into their activities to further foster excitement and participation among the participants and change up the pace from time to time. At the very least, this option will enable facilitators to know the order in which to respond to questions.