Forum Discussion

d4n0's avatar
12 years ago

Check/Install LMI updates from One2Many

I recently signed up for LMI Central and now I'd like to get a few tasks done with one2many. For example, I'd like to setup a task for LMI to check/install LMI updates. Also I'd like to enable automatic windows updates.

The script in the repository does not work. Has anyone done this?

3 Replies

  • trashman's avatar
    New Contributor
    3 years ago

    How often does LMI query the computers for software changes?  Can this process be ran on demand?  Can we use a "One to Many Task & Plan" or the "Remote Execution" feature to update the LMI software repository?

  • MarioAguadoFdz's avatar
    Active Contributor
    12 years ago



    I has been trying to do the same so far is not really possible, WILL BE SUPER NICE TO HAVE THAT as Predefined Task from LMI Central.


    So far the best I manage to do, but is not very practical is was: create a task to send to all PC's the new logmein.msi and then antoher task Remote Command doing this:


    Msiexec.exe /package "C:\Delpro\LMIUpdates\logmein 4.1.3256.msi" /passive

     So far works fine, but something missing in the One2many is in the step to add computers you can select all of them or some of them but is not way to see in that big list the version of LMI isntalled, will be nice to have it there then you can choose much faster to which pc's you want to run th eupdate.



