Forum Discussion

bssitdept's avatar
Active Contributor
6 years ago

Connect to two PCs via a third and transfer files between the first two

I need to be able to connect to  multiple workstations (PCs) from my PC in the IT Department, which I can.  I can simultaneously connect to two or more PCs from mine, which is good.  However, I need to be able to transfer files between those computers.  Currently, I have to drag files from one of the PCs to my PC and then from there, drag it on to the other PC.  I need to be able to drag directly from PC to PC.  Is this possible or will it be?

2 Replies

  • bssitdept's avatar
    Active Contributor
    6 years ago

    AshC  I have not, but I will give that a try and get back to you.   Thank you!

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    bssitdept I believe I understand what you're attempting to do with Central, though it's not currently possible.  Have you tried remoting from Computer A to Computer B (where the files are kept), and then into Computer C from B (to transfer the files to C)?