Forum Discussion

oryx360's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

EXE file installation status shows failed

Trying to push .NET 4.8 to user computers through LogMein. It is an EXE and I directly point to the EXE file and with a /quiet install switch but it shows FAILED when it has installed it successfully when I check the registry settings. 


I am not sure as the log files in LogMein does not show clearly why it failed. I have a feeling that there should be a  way to capture the log files in LogMein.


I tried to specify the path to the log files and it still would not write anything and it is an empty txt file. Any suggestions please. 

4 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago

    Hi oryx360, do you have the support ticket number so I can check on it? 


  • oryx360's avatar
    New Contributor
    3 years ago

    I have opened a ticket with them and nobody got back, trying to follow up again. But under %appdata% I do not see anything related to LogMein. When you specify your custom log file and specify the path and the log filename.txt, it should write something while installing right? But it is empty with 0KB, it creates the file but does not write anything.


    I only see the following folders


  • CS_HelpDesk's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    3 years ago

    Hi Oryx360,
    I would get in touch with support for them to assess why you’re not seeing logmein logs on the host machine: Contact Support
    Did you check your temp files folder (%appdata%)?

  • oryx360's avatar
    New Contributor
    3 years ago

    I would like to get a log of the installation to see where it failed. I see that LogMein has a default Logging


    When I specify the custom log file path. It does not write anything to the log file and it is empty.  I am not sure why it is not writing to the log file while installing, is there some reason why it would not write because it is an EXE install?


    Can I specify under Optional parameters to write the log file since it is an EXE that is being pushed as shown below and will it work?


    Optional Parameters

    For example : /quiet /norestart /L*V Path to the Log file