Forum Discussion

Chrisman5454's avatar
Active Contributor
6 years ago

Horrible responce time

I reached out to last pass team about deploying them + yubi key to our large coorporate office. After our Trial ended and we had plenty of time to learn how to use LP  but not enough time to learn yubikey and its smartcard capabilities. After LP confirmed they would extend the trial I am still waiting after a week for LP to extend thier trial . We might have to pass up on this oppertunity If customer service cant keep regular conntact.

2 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    I apologize for the delay in getting back to your service ticket.  We have had some changes to LastPass support documentation recently, and may be a bit backlogged at the moment. 


    Thanks for closing the loop here, Chrisman.

  • Chrisman5454's avatar
    Active Contributor
    6 years ago
    After emailing them about the delay they responded within 24 hrs. Hopefully we can work this out.