Forum Discussion

ParkTrack23's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

How Do I Use LogMeIn?

I'm new to using a VPN. I need to know how to enable LogMeIn. I find instructions on how to do that. I assume it isn't working because my IP address and location still shows up when I go to an IP check site.

3 Replies

  • ParkTrack23's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago

    Thanks for your reply.  I just realized the confusion to my question may have been the result of a typo. I wrote "I find instructions on how to do that." I meant to type "I can't find..."


    While waiting for the reply, I was able to find some other free VPN's that do what I was looking for.  Thanks again. :smileyhappy:

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    ParkTrack23  Sorry for any confusion.  LogMeIn services like Hamachi, Pro and Central are designed to connect and monitor client PCs for the purposes of managing networks and troubleshooting remote systems.

  • ParkTrack23's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago

    No one has replied to my request. Apparently this program isn't what I thought is was. I'm new to VPN usuage and was under the impression that this program is a "normal" VPN that is designed to change your IP address for security purposes.


    Am I correct in thinking that this program cannot do that?