Forum Discussion

SpinBJT's avatar
Active Contributor
6 years ago

LMI AntiVirus Export Feature

I've updated a handful of PC's to the LMI Anti-Virus.  I went to search by all of the PC's that show "LogMeIn AV" in the search field, which then displayed all PC's that we're installed with LMI AV.  But when I export the list, thelist doesn't show just those computers, it shows all computers.  In addition the exported AntiVirus report doesn't show any of the PC's that i've updated it still shows the previous antivirus software that was installed.

1 Reply

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago


    The exported list does not currently include any preselected filters, and simply combines all the data into one output.


    The report you did export should at least show the LMI AV listed as the named security.  If this continues, we may want to investigate those machines that are not currently sharing this info.