Forum Discussion

PracticalInfSys's avatar
Active Contributor
7 years ago

Logmein Event viewer connection times do not match Central reports and I cannot bill my clients

Hello all,


I did report a few months ago a recurrent problem I have with Central reports (Remote Access Sessions report):

 I do have a few reports to control how long have I been connected to client's computers/servers each month so I can bill them my remote assistance.

I used to be able to do that for years. However, the reports started to give me very short connection times so I did compare them to the logme in event viewer on the computers I connnected with and found out the connections times where totally different. In many cases I was connected to them for say over 2 h which was reported fine on the local computers but on the Central report it showed, say 26 seconds...


When I reported this to logmein Tech Support over the phone, they told me to send them the local logs of a few computers, screen caps of those local event viewers and matching central reports, wich I did. They told me it was a known bug and that they were working on it.


I tried to temporary use the local logmein event viewer for billing but any time the computer is reboot the event viewer gets cleared and you cannot load remote connections by time or anything so it isn't a feasible temporary solution...


It's been months since them and the problem still occurs. What's going on? I cannot accurately bill working hours to my clients and I'm losing money!


Any foreseable solution in the short term? Should I look for a remote software elsewere?

  • PracticalInfSys  Apologies for the delay.  This issue was resolved with the release of build 11548.  Also make certain you are running the 'Remote Sessions' report (new), and not the 'Remote Access Sessions' report.

1 Reply

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    PracticalInfSys  Apologies for the delay.  This issue was resolved with the release of build 11548.  Also make certain you are running the 'Remote Sessions' report (new), and not the 'Remote Access Sessions' report.