Forum Discussion

Rock Creek Solu's avatar
Rock Creek Solu
Active Contributor
12 years ago

Allow Merging Incidents into a Single Incident

Many of the Incidents I receive are actually duplicates of identical incidents (although they may involve different Customers in the same Company).

For example, I received several tickets on a wireless issue at a company from several Customers. Resolving the wireless issue resolved all of the tickets. Instead of having to respond and enter resolutions for all of the tickets, I would have preferred to merge the tickets into one, and make one response.

I could see this being implemented several ways, perhaps the easiest of which would be to have the system create a "master" incident to which all of the "merged" tickets point. When anything is done on the "master" ticket, the action is communicated to all of the original incident tickets. When the "master" incident is closed, the child incidents would be closed as well.

Optionally, the merged tickets could be replaced by a newly created single ticket (although there may be some database issues in this regard).

Combined with the suggestion I made in a separate "idea," that of allowing multiple Customers to be assigned to a single incident, this would be a very powerful feature.

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