Forum Discussion

andrew16's avatar
New Member
7 years ago

recording incoming email address



previously when an email for support came in to us from someone who is not previously registered the incident was always set up with the users email address.  Lately though incidents get set up using the support address they emailed to rather than the address they emailed from. this then leads to obvious problems when trying to identify the person if they did not put sufficient contact info in the request itself.


as far as we know we have not changed any system settings to change the behaviour and all setting look as they always did. anyone got any idea what might have changed or was this a change implemented by GoToAssist?



2 Replies

  • MarkTth's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Hi Andrew,


    please also check whether the support address is registered as a Customer in the system. If it is then you may want to delete the support email from the Customer list.

    Root cause: there are multiple email addresses in the incoming email header and if any of them is already registered as a Customer then that email address will be added as Customer by default to the new Incident.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    andrew16 Do you have the option for Email Self Registration set for new customers?


    Configure menu > Customer Access > Allow email self registration