Forum Discussion

Bcshay's avatar
Active Contributor
10 years ago

Trigger Status Update

Is it possible to use a Trigger that changes the status of Resolved Incidents to Closed after X amount of days?

4 Replies

  • Bcshay's avatar
    Active Contributor
    10 years ago
    Thanks. Using statements Resolved at is before 7 days ago, and Open/Closed is Open, and Last updated by is not Any Customer worked. The action schedule runs every hour and closes out Resolved incidents where there is no response from the customer within 7 days. 
  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    10 years ago
    This is quite a common use-case for a self-healing service desk. Rob has definitely pointed you in the right direction of setting up a report and action schedule to achieve this.

    The conditions of the report you want are probably more inline with this:

    Once the report is saved, then select 'Schedule & Queue' to set up:
  • Bcshay's avatar
    Active Contributor
    10 years ago
    Thanks Rob! I'll check that out. Basically I want to close out resolved incidents after 7 days if no response from the customer. We consider it resolved if we don't hear back in 7 days. Little more professional than resolved/closed.
  • rob111's avatar
    Active Contributor
    10 years ago
    I'm not sure a trigger would do it but you could probably do with a report that looks at resolved at - is before - x number of days ago and then schedule an action on that report. 

    Something like this?  And then a scheduled action to run up to every hour.