Forum Discussion

Bayrun2's avatar
New Member
2 years ago

2023-11-16 - Spammed by Users of GoToWebinar for Over 2 Years



Over 2 years ago I must have signed up for a GoToWebinar.  Since them I continue to receive Spam from users of GoToWebinar.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I have called GoToWebinar and talked to customer support numerous times.  They are telling me that  the email addresses that the spam is sent from  ARE NOT IN THE GoToWebinar database. 


Even though they use GoToWebinar's platform with GoToWebinar's  address and info is at the bottom  of their email some people are using my address to send me numerous GotoWebinar events. 


I just received 12 of their GoToWebinar emails in a 12 hour time period.  This is just one of the users of GoToWebinar.


My question is does Corporate GoToWebinar care about this issue?


Can't they look into creating stricter guidelines (removal and fines) to  prevent spammers from using GoToWebinar and  spamming others? 


And how can spammers send out GoToWebinar alerts if they are not found in GoToWebinar's database? 


Can corporate GoToWebinar prevent this by listening to spammers specific webinar and gathering their info and then preventing them from using the GoToWebinar software and even fining them for spam?


I have had this personal email for over 15 years and would like the spam to stop. 


Any help would be appreciated!


  • Hi Bayrun2, welcome to the community.


    Our support team is correct, these spammers have obtained your email address somehow (there are many ways to do this), and they are using it to registering you for webinars they have created as a way of spamming you through the registration confirmation and reminder emails. I know from looking at the communities of webinar platforms they are also dealing with this kind of abuse.


    We have a number of ways that we try to identify these accounts early and terminate them, we also try to prevent them from creating new accounts, but it is difficult. You can use the Report Spam link at the bottom of our emails to report these accounts to us, also if you have a couple of the recent ones please forward them to gotoservice at logmein dot com and we will use them to identify the account and terminate it. 



3 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Hi zeontech


    Please forward the most recent email to the email address I mention in my last reply. We shutdown the accounts that are reported to us, but some tend to return using new information until they are reported and shutdown.


  • zeontech's avatar
    New Member
    2 years ago



    I have had similar problems and have reported it to you several times.

    However, in my case it is constantly from the same people who seem to have a legitimate account with you. No matter how many times I report the spam using your link and try to get you to take action their account never seems to get shut down . I believe the only option I may have is to ban your domain from my email.


    is there anyone in your company whips actually acts on spam reports? If so please let me know how I can contact them.


    thank you

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Hi Bayrun2, welcome to the community.


    Our support team is correct, these spammers have obtained your email address somehow (there are many ways to do this), and they are using it to registering you for webinars they have created as a way of spamming you through the registration confirmation and reminder emails. I know from looking at the communities of webinar platforms they are also dealing with this kind of abuse.


    We have a number of ways that we try to identify these accounts early and terminate them, we also try to prevent them from creating new accounts, but it is difficult. You can use the Report Spam link at the bottom of our emails to report these accounts to us, also if you have a couple of the recent ones please forward them to gotoservice at logmein dot com and we will use them to identify the account and terminate it.