Forum Discussion

globalnetint's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Are there any auction examples, case studies etc?

Hello, our customer will place an auction for a charity. Can we set up an auction with GotoWebinar? Are there any examples that you can share to give an idea how to set-up? Thank you and Kind Regards


  • AshC's avatar
    5 years ago

    You can certainly allow attendees to ask 'Questions', which would allow them to type in their bid (depending upon the auction type). 


    Hand raising would be useful if the auctioneer was determining the next bid.


    I would not suggest webcam usage unless you're trying to promote the bidders themselves.  Some bidders may request anonymity.

4 Replies

  • globalnetint's avatar
    New Contributor
    5 years ago
    Thanks AshC! I will set up a webinar and see if GTW meets the expectaions.
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    You can certainly allow attendees to ask 'Questions', which would allow them to type in their bid (depending upon the auction type). 


    Hand raising would be useful if the auctioneer was determining the next bid.


    I would not suggest webcam usage unless you're trying to promote the bidders themselves.  Some bidders may request anonymity.

  • globalnetint's avatar
    New Contributor
    5 years ago
    Hello Chris, I might say all of the above. However unmuting-shouting may not work. I thought people raise hand and organizer unmutes the person opens the webcam to bid and also notes in somewhere where everybody sees. More controllable and fully recorable by all available options I believe. Thx.
  • Chris Droessler's avatar
    Chris Droessler
    Respected Contributor
    5 years ago

    Please describe how you think the auction will look/sound  using GoToWebinar.


    Do you think that people will unmute their microphone to shout out a bid?

    Will people use the hand-raise feature to bid?

    Will people text their bid in the question box?

    Will people raise their hand on their webcam?


    All of that is possible, though some of those initial suggestions may work better then others.