Forum Discussion

UB Alumni Caree's avatar
UB Alumni Caree
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Broadcasting Started Without Selecting Start Broadcast

For the past few years for our weekly webinar program, we have our presenters join us organizers online approximately 30 minutes before we go live. We get everything set up, then hit Start Broadcast when we are ready.


Today, we were following the same protocol but a staff member, who was logged in as an attendee, let us know that she could see our presenter's screen and the updates he was making.  We've never had this happen before.  We also noticed his GTW taskbar was showing which has never happened before. 


Everything was fine when we started the broadcast and no attendees (aside from our staff member) let us know anything was amiss. We are hoping it was a one time glitch but I just wanted to check with the community to see if anyone else had this issue.


Thanks so much all!

  • Coming out of practice mode is a 2-step process. When you hit "start" people can log in and see your screen, but don't hear you. Once you hit "start broadcast" they hear you.  If you had more than one organizer, maybe one of them accidentally hit the start button before you were ready.


    Another scenario that causes this to happen is if you click too quickly on the pop up that reminds you that you are in practice mode. If you dismiss it too quickly or accidentally click the wrong button, you will come out of practice mode, but won't actually start the broadcast. People will see everything but not hear.

1 Reply

  • Coming out of practice mode is a 2-step process. When you hit "start" people can log in and see your screen, but don't hear you. Once you hit "start broadcast" they hear you.  If you had more than one organizer, maybe one of them accidentally hit the start button before you were ready.


    Another scenario that causes this to happen is if you click too quickly on the pop up that reminds you that you are in practice mode. If you dismiss it too quickly or accidentally click the wrong button, you will come out of practice mode, but won't actually start the broadcast. People will see everything but not hear.