Forum Discussion

VisionAlliance's avatar
Active Contributor
3 months ago

Computer sound sharing by panelists?

I've encountered sometimes-contradictory and seemingly often-legacy information on this topic.

Historically, the only way I was aware of to stream a video clip with an embedded audio track (an audio track that you wanted the audience to be able to hear) was for the moderator to in-advance upload it to GoToWebinar's server and then in-session temporarily switch from the then-active presenter panelist to it for playback, switching back to the presenter afterward.

Is it now possible in GoToWebinar (I'm not interested in GoToMeeting, etc.) for an active presenter to share not only his/her screen (application window or full display) but also computer sound, in order to (for example) be able to locally play back a video with an embedded audio track? And if so, is this still only a Windows-only panelist capability, or are MacOS panelist clients also supported? Thanks in advance for clarification!

6 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 months ago

    Hi VisionAlliance, I apologize for the confusion. Sharing computer audio while screen sharing is had only been available in GoTo Meeting, not GoTo Webinar. With the move from Classic to the new GoTo App experience it will be eventually be a feature available in both. For now, the best way to share a video with sound in Classic is to upload the recording to your scheduled webinar and then share it.  

  • VisionAlliance's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 months ago

    I just answered my own question:
    ;-) My account has seemingly not been offered the upgrade yet

  • VisionAlliance's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 months ago


    Call me confused, I guess, or maybe I just haven't been paying attention. I'm still seeing (and using) what is apparently the "old" GoToMeeting app as moderator, and my panelists for various webinars are still being served it as well; none of us see an enable-able audio sharing setting. What's this "new" GoTo app that's referenced in past responses to my original post? Is this some new feature that just hasn't been switched on in my particular account yet?

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 months ago

    That announcement was for Classic GoTo Meeting back 2020, with the new GoTo App Mac support still needs to be added.