Forum Discussion

TSandusky's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago

Coorganizer cannot start the webinar

Coorganizer cannot start the webinar.

We have experienced this several times in the last week. We are setting up everything the same as we always have, however, within the past week, some of the coorganizers cannot start the session. This happened today: Three coorganizers who all have GoTo Webinar accounts. One of the coorganizers was able to log in as herself and start the session. When the other two logged into the GTW, found the session and then clicked the link to JOIN, it opened the Registration window instead of taking them into the session. Of course when they registered, it brought them in as attendees. If they didnt register, there was no way to enter. Luckily one of the coorganizers was able to get in and promote the others but what if none of them could start the session? Has anyone else recently experienced this?

1 Reply

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    3 years ago

    TSandusky  Sorry, that experience does sound challenging.


    If nothing changed on your end we would need to investigate the cause of this behavior through a Customer Support case.  First I would host a test session with the same staff members to see if the problem recreates itself.  then, if you can have one of the affected Organizers call us who could not join through their Co-Org flow in their own account under the same company, then we'll look further into it.