Forum Discussion

BooABja's avatar
Active Contributor
4 years ago

Virtual Event using GTW tips and tricks

Not sure if there is such a thread, please ad me to it if so.


I have started testing the Virtual Events set up and feature and there are some aspects I miss/don't fully understand, would be great to know if more are considering these aspects and if/when these features will be added.


1. How do I change the opt in text? I need to be able to ad who the organizer(s) are (i.e they would be sponsors of the event) and ad Privacy Policy urls. I understood there is no such way to change this - this must be able to ad as well as Privacy Policy urls etc

2. What happens when a panelist log on to the event? Where can I find more information about that? Is it like logging on to a webinar, i.e they end up in the "staff" section and that's it?

3. What happens if I have a 10 minutes break between two sessions - are the times just as in GTW - not really important other than to send out emails telling when a session start?

4. How can I create a multiple day event say between 9-11 several days in a row and now have all register several times? I found a YouTube video about this so there should be no problem scheduling a three day event, adding when each sessions/day will take place.

5. Is it the same as for hosting a webinar that you make panelists presenters and give keyboard and mouse?


- What - apart from the time scheduling and general registration look - is NEW in Virtual Events? Asking since I know GTW very well

1 Reply

  • I will provide my insight based on initial testing I have done.  I've included your original questions will my responses.  Let me know if you would like any further clarification.

    I think there is future potential with "Virtual Events" if more features are implemented and others refined.  Currently, some features are lost from an registration/email perspective at this time.  The event pages are very bland and mostly generic as well - but so are the normal GTW registration pages unfortunately.


    1. How do I change the opt in text? 

    RESPONSE: If you mean the two little check boxes, I don't believe you can.  There are two editable fields - the event description and the about us or "Hosted by" section.  Both of those fields will accept URLs and turn them into working hyperlinks.


    2. What happens when a panelist log on to the event? 

    RESPONSE: From and organizer and panelist point of view, these are just like any other webcast session.  They will receive individual panelist links to join each session.


    3. What happens if I have a 10 minutes break between two sessions - are the times just as in GTW - not really important other than to send out emails telling when a session start?

    RESPONSE: The start time is important for the attendees.  The organizers/panelists can join early as with any other GTW webcast session.  Attendees, however, must join each session by clicking a link on the virtual event webpage.  In my testing, that link did not become available until the start time or perhaps a minute or two before.  Attendees will not be able to join a session early even if you have already started it as an organizer.  

    Sessions can run past any specified end time, but I believe once the end time has past, attendees will no longer be able to rejoin the session should they leave or be disconnected.



    4. How can I create a multiple day event say between 9-11 several days in a row and now have all register several times? I found a YouTube video about this so there should be no problem scheduling a three day event, adding when each sessions/day will take place.

    RESPONSE: It sounds like you found this answer.  You can schedule a multi-day virtual event.  Within the virtual event you schedule the times for each individual 'session'.   Attendees would only need to register once and they are directed to the virtual event webpage.  Attendees join all sessions from the event webpage, they do not receive links to join individual sessions.


    5. Is it the same as for hosting a webinar that you make panelists presenters and give keyboard and mouse?

    RESPONSE:  Yes.  The individual sessions are normal GTW webcast events.  It will be a 100% familiar process for you.


    - What - apart from the time scheduling and general registration look - is NEW in Virtual Events? Asking since I know GTW very well

    RESPONSE: Virtual events provide a webpage for attendees to easily access all GTW webcast sessions without needing to have an individual link to each session.  This removes the need for attendees to juggle multiple join links.  They register once for the event and can then join desired sessions by clicking on that session via the "event page" once the session has started.  (Attendees will need to refresh the webpage in order to see the link once a session is active)