Forum Discussion

Shannen's avatar
4 years ago

Webinar attendee is not listed on registration or attendee reports

I ran an attendee report for our webinar on 1/27/22 and one of the attendees is not listed on the report. He is not listed as registered or as an attendee. He swears he was logged in and he was able to refer to many pieces of information that were shown on the screen throughout the webinar, but which were not verbally mentioned. I also asked if he could have registered using a different name or email address, or perhaps if someone registered for him, but that was not the case. Any idea how someone who attended a webinar would not show up on any reports? We issue continuing education credits so the fact that he is not showing up as an attendee is a bit of an issue. Thanks.

  • Shannen   While I have heard of some mobile attendees failing to appear on the webinar attendance report, they would always appear on the registration report.  If this attendee registered successfully they would have received an email from GoToWebinar proving this shortly after the form was completely filled out. 

5 Replies

  • Chris Droessler's avatar
    Chris Droessler
    Respected Contributor
    4 years ago

    Does this Attendee have an email from GoTo confirming registration? 

    Did this Attendee receive an email with the Join Link?

    Did this Attendee receive the followup email?


    One of my Attendees registered but misspelled their email address, thus received no confirmation nor login link.  A colleague shared their login-link email, and the Attendee joined the webinar.  It took a while to figure this one out, since the Attendee remembered registering, but forgot that a colleague shared their join link.

  • Shannen's avatar
    4 years ago

    Thanks Chris. That info is helpful, but I don't think that is what happened in this case. However, I have found out more info and it does appear it was an issue with the registrant/attendee and not any kind of glitch with the GoToWebinar report as I was initially concerned about. Thanks so much for your feedback and comments.

  • Chris Droessler's avatar
    Chris Droessler
    Respected Contributor
    4 years ago

    Here is what might have happened.


    Person A registers for the webinar and gets a confirmation email with the login details about connecting to the webinar.


    Person A emails a copy of this confirmation email to Person B (thinking Person B might enjoy the webinar).


    Person A and Person B join the webinar using the same log-in credentials.  Thus both Person A and Person B show up in the Attendee list during the webinar as Person A. 


    The Registration report as well as the Attendance report will show Person A, but not Person B, because Person B never actually registered.


    Both Person A and Person B could have participated in the entire webinar.


    You can block this by allowing Attendees to connect only one time.  If not, Attendees can connect multiple times using the same log-in credential.  The legitimate reason for allowing this is if an Attendee connects, and GoTo locks up, and they have to rejoin. Sometimes GoTo thinks the first connection is still there.  Or some people join with multiple devices.  Maybe they want to see the webinar on their computer, but will use their smart phone or tablet because it has better microphone or speakers. I do not limit connections, but I am also not charging for my webinars.


    I'm not saying that this is the case, but it happens on my account often.



  • Shannen's avatar
    4 years ago

    Thanks Ash. It's strange, but it certainly seems like he was logged in even though there is no report of him registering or logging in. And he said he logged in from his office computer, not a mobile device. Thanks for the info.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago

    Shannen   While I have heard of some mobile attendees failing to appear on the webinar attendance report, they would always appear on the registration report.  If this attendee registered successfully they would have received an email from GoToWebinar proving this shortly after the form was completely filled out.