Forum Discussion

JohnN2's avatar
Active Contributor
11 months ago

Caps Lock Issues

During Go To Resolve sessions (with either unattended systems or with users' computers), to enable caps lock it requires pressing the caps lock button twice. Same in reverse: if I want to disable caps lock, it requires pressing the button twice.


The main reason I do this similar to what other GTR admins have reported (see:, where the shift key sometimes doesn't register (either missing entering the character at all or not capitalizing). This becomes frustrating when trying to enter case-sensitive characters that can't/shouldn't be copied and pasted.


Is anyone else experiencing anything similar and besides just dealing with it are there any active support cases regarding this issue?



John N

  • Hi JohnN2, welcome to the community.


    How reliably can you recreate this issue of the Shift key not registering or having to push Caps Lock twice for it to register? 

    Do you typically connect from the same computer to your clients? 

    Does it happen more often with a specific client you connect to? 



    • JohnN2's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Hi GlennD,


      Thanks for the warm welcome and quick response!


      I can reliably recreate the issue of having to push Caps Lock twice for it to register 100% of the time.

      It's about 50% or so with the Shift key not fully registering.


      I typically connect from about 3 different computers to our clients.

      It doesn't happen more often with any specific clients, it's the same with all endpoints.


      Hope that helps!




      • GlennD's avatar
        GoTo Manager

        Thank you, I am checking with the team to see if the log files would include any useful information.