Forum Discussion

petervzivo's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

MUTE host

After leaving HOST the sound of HOST PC goest to MUTE.

How to leave sound of HOST ON for all the time - no matter if I am logged in with LogmeIn?

4 Replies

  • petervzivo's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago

    Finally we found what and how to leave remote sound ON if connecting with LogmeIn


    It goes like this:

    - If LogmeIn sound is ON than remote PC sound goes automatically OFF (even if we log in or log out of remote PC)

    - If LogmeIn souund is OFF than remote PC sound stays as it was - for our need it was needed to stay ON all the time (even if we log in or log out of remote PC)


    In picture you can see how to turn LogmeIn sound OFF, and with that PC sound will stan  ON all the time no metter if you are connecting it again later or if you are leaving remote PC connection....


    For US it was a huge problem to find out what happened to the sound of our PC after leaving LogmeIn session....


    Please LogmeIn, can you repair this feature in the way that no matter the ON/OFF sound of LogmeIn client it does not effect the sound of PC - you just can not change the enviromnment just like this - or at least you could bring up some text that after leaving remote session the remote PC sound will be OFF...



  • petervzivo's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago



    entering the remote PC  with LogmeIn it turns the remote PC sound OFF.

    Even if I turn the sound of remote PC ON it goes OFF again after leaving the session.


    After reconectiong to the remote PC the sound of remote PC is OFF.


    What I have to do to leave the sound as it is after LogingIN or LogingOUT of the remote PC?


    All we want is to get in the remote PC to check what is he doing without any interference of LogmeIN.

    Do you have any "button" to enter into remote PC without making any changes to remote PC?




  • petervzivo's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago



    do you have an answer regarding this?

    Support of Logmein is not working - no answer at all - phone support Italy not working.

    We have huge problem with this - if we will not solve it within this month we are going to other provider.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    Hi Peter,

    If you were to mute the client while in session, this should return the sound feed back to normal and remain so after the disconnect.  

    Since this is only affecting one client, you may also create a case with Customer Support to investigate the issue further.