Forum Discussion

HappyHippo's avatar
10 months ago

Acknowledge Threats



Due to some recent vulnerabilities, our endpoint protection detected these and LMI has listed these within each computer. The issue has since been resolved, however, we have a lot of devices to now clear these messages on. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any way of 'acknowledging all threats' across multiple or all devices.


Resolving these notifications will take days if not weeks of just clicking through them.


Could you please confirm if there's any way we can mark all these?


Also, FYI, this window has an issue with the second button:




8 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    6 months ago

    The product team have confirmed they cannot clear the alerts, I am waiting to hear back from our backend team to see if they can do it, but if they cannot help we've explored all options. The team is investigating adding some bulk actions and being able to acknowledge notifications like this in bulk has been added to that list.


  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    6 months ago

    Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a solution today so I am investigating if there are other options.


  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    6 months ago

    Hi HappyHippo, I raised this issue with the team and I believe it was something they were going to look into adding. I will raise it with them tomorrow and ask if there is any news.


  • HappyHippo's avatar
    6 months ago



    We have a lot of historic alerts we need to mark as resolved, however, as we are limited to 200 items per page and with 181 pages to go through, it'll be time consuming, especially given the page wait.


    How can we mark these as resolved in bulk, please?

