Forum Discussion
- BillHowellsVisitor
Try putting azuread\ in front of the user name as in: azuread\
- AlejandroLWITSNew Member
This work perfect, for the AAD SSO device joined, thanks so much
- MNLLCNew Contributor
In order to authenticate Logmein with an Azure AD Joined machine you have to put the credentials in as follows
password = Office 365\Azure AD Password
*the username is NOT the email address, but whatever the local account profile name is, for instance if your email was usually your local account on the computer would be joesmith so your user username syntax would go like this azuread\joesmith and the password would be the user's Office 365 password
- rsantannaNew Contributor
Was it solved ? I have the same issue.
- AshCRetired GoTo Contributor
You can use Azure AD for SSO login into the product, but currently the host logins don't work when windows would need to authenticate against an azure domain. The login page would redirect to the federated authentication page, so it recognizes the domain and forwards the user there.
- aferinoActive Contributor
Ash, I wouldn't actually mind the redirect on the remote connection side. It would be worth it to be able to completely disable the built in Administrator account on those machines. I wouldn't even mind if you didn't get the credential passthrough as long as my AAD account can get access to the machines.
- Ralph6New Contributor
In the Azure Active Directory admin center, go to Azure Active Directory , choose Devices and then Device settings. Verify Users may join devices to Azure AD is enabled. To enable all users, set to All.
- aferinoActive Contributor
Ralph, that doesn't have anything to do with the problem I described. The devices are already joined to AAD. But you can't use an AAD credential to access a machine remotely with LMI Central. Even if that account would have local admin access if you were at that computer directly.