Forum Discussion
Hello AshC,
The bulk of my workstations are running:
Windows 10 Version 1909 Build 18363.752
Kaspersky Endpoint Security AES256 (cf1)
LogMeIn host version 13508
Please let me know if you need any more information.
Still nothing?! This is getting old. Every machine's A/V is getting flagged as "Needs Attention". I check the machine and no antivirus issues. Is anybody working on resolving this?!
- guitardood5 years agoActive Contributor
I now see Anti-Virus options again, however, it is reporting incorrect Virus definition version. LogMeIn Anti-Virus screen is showing this on almost all of my computers:
However, all of the computers are showing updated databases
Please advise.
- guitardood5 years agoActive Contributor
What features am I getting from Central?! This problem with the antivirus has gotten beyond ridiculous! I don't need 98% of what Central provides. I DO need the antivirus status to be accurate, rather than needing to log into every single machine. Is anybody working on this problem?!?!?!?!
- guitardood5 years agoActive Contributor
Suddenly, every single machine is showing antivirus "Requires Attention", though a few are "Requires Immediate Attention". Being the paranoid type, I scanned to of these "Requires Immediate Attention", with multiple A/V scanners, including the Kaspersky Endpoint that is installed, and nothing. Is there a virus threat? Or is LogMeIn just broken?!
Please advise.