etb No, nothing really new to share on that front. Talking with Autodesk most recently, they said that the problem resides solely with LMI and they could not do anything more. Autodesk provided info on how to reset the licensing by deleting folders and files and to log into the desktop app, as we all have tried. Of course we can always log into the affected computer in person, disable the LMI services and sign into the users Autodesk account that way.
Talking with our 3rd party Autodesk reps, they noticed a connection between the LMI services and display adapter, Windows updates, and the Autodesk Single Sign On component. My company is fairly new to single sign on (named) licenses. We used multi-user license files prior to a year ago when Autodesk transitioned away from multi-user license support, had no problems before the switch. I believe after Windows update 1904 is when we started seeing issues with single sign on licenses.
The issues I am seeing are for users new and old. I have one user who has to sign into their account at least once a week, which is another issue that we are working through to find a solution. Autodesk products do not require users to sign in very often, unless there are problems. So again, back to the deletion of ADSSO other license related files and folders in an attempt to fix this issue. Some of us have never had this issue and I cannot locate differences/similarities between any two computers as it relates to this problem.
With all that being said, I found my own way to work around the issue while working remote. As we know, the problem occurs for users logged into their computer remotely through LMI. Other remote desktop apps could be used to log into the affected machine and sign in to the Autodesk product. But these cost money. What I do is log in remotely to my work computer through LMI. Then on my work computer, I use Microsoft Remote Desktop to access the affected machine, stop LMI services and log into the users Autodesk account. I then restart the LMI services and have the user log in as usual. This does involve a certain level of trust though. The user either has to trust me with their log in credentials, both for their computer and Autodesk, or it is understood that these will be reset at their next login. Microsoft Remote Desktop is free and built into Windows 10 Pro (not sure about other versions).
Hopefully this helps someone while LMI and Autodesk figure out a solution instead of workarounds.