Forum Discussion
Active Contributor
Lol. No dude. I've had LMI issues with this one certain PC from the start. The check box is there for "remember the creds" but when I login the next time it's forgotten them. Even if I close out the session and re-open it, it has forgotten them already.
2 years agoGoTo Contributor
Hi N_Idaho,
The problem should be with the certificate of the host. It can be regenerated with this command from an admin command prompt:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn\x64\LogMeIn.exe" cert -createca -createsc
Should the issue still persist, please contact customer support, GlennD can help you with that.
To investigate the case we need debug level logs of the service (C:\ProgramData\LogMeIn\LogMeIn.log)