Forum Discussion

Snyper1974's avatar
New Member
4 years ago

Central running poorly

Hey All,


So been running Logmein Central for just over a year now and recently added all of the additional packages. Am I the only one that is noticing that it is all running like garbage? I have about 60 end points and logging into any of them (multiple locations all with high speed internet) takes ages and seems super laggy. Add to that the Windows Update portion seems to be only working when it wants to with some users not getting any updates, other uses getting their updates but no reboots and some users getting some but not all updates. Everything seemed to be working fine and stable but a few months ago it all started slowing down. Of course you get the usual "restart and reboot" response from tech support which is about as helpful and an underwater hair dryer. Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this. Seems like I am paying a pretty penny for a platform that is laggy and sporadic. Actually considering dropping logmein because of it as end users are complaining about the lag also.