Forum Discussion
Host MSI installer's properties - Please note I am still confirming that this list is current
Sets the domain name of the website that the host communicates with, it is stored in the registry value HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\WebSvc\HomeSite also. |
RAPORT | Sets the port that service is using, it is stored in the following registry settings: HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\Net\ListenPort, HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\@CurrentPort, HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\ListenerSocket, default is 2002 for LMI, 2000 for RA. |
LMIDESCRIPTION | Description used to identify the computer, by default it is the computer name. |
FQDNDESC | If the value is 1 the computers fully qualified DNS name is used as a description, otherwise LMIDESCRIPTION parameter is used. |
LMIACCESSCODE | If defined and the length is greater than 8 characters it will be set as a CAC (Computer Access Code) for the host machine. |
INSTALLUSER | "<username> (domain: <domainname>)" of the currently logged on (installing) user. |
BETA | If set to 1, the installer creates the registry value of 1 in HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\BetaChannel, but beta channel is not working in production, so it's not useful at the moment. |
AFFILIATEID | Sets the registry value of HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\InstallParams\AffiliateID, that is used as a parameter in CLS communication. |
INSTALLEDVERSION | Reads the registry value of HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\@ProductVersion to determine the already installed host's version. |
Deploy info:
DEPLOYID | Identifier used for the deployment, it can be injected into the msi when a deployment link is used. For testing purposes it can be used from the command line as well. |
REGDEPLOYCODE | Saves this deploycode to the registry item HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\webSvc\DeployCode that will be used by the service later. |
MAHEMAIL | Email address of MAH (Master Account Holder). |
ACCOUNTEMAIL | The account's email address, by default it can be retrieved during deploy id verification if deploy id is present. |
COMPANYNAME | Company name used in the setup screen template. |
DEPLOYEMAIL | Email address used in the setup screen template. |
DEPLOYNAME | Name used in the setup screen template. |
Internal config:
INSTALLDIR | Target directory of the installation, value will be stored in the registry as well in HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\InstallPath. |
SERVICEPATH | Used internally to store the service executable's path, initialized with the registry value of HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LogMeIn\ImagePath if exists otherwise "notavail" value is set. If SERVICEPATH is available then a previous install is updated otherwise clean install is performed. |
X86DIR | Set to SERVICEPATH\x86 in case of update or INSTALLDIR\x86 in case of clean install. |
X64DIR | Set to SERVICEPATH\x64 in case of update or INSTALLDIR\x64 in case of clean install. |
BUILD | Contains the build number (digits after the last dot). |
Proxy settings:
PROXYENABLED | 1 indicates that proxy server is used otherwise 0. |
PROXYSERVER | IP address of the proxy server if any. |
PROXYPORT | Port number of the proxy server if any. |
PROXYUSEAUTH | 1 indicates that proxy server is using authentication otherwise 0. |
PROXYUSERNAME | User name used in proxy server authentication if any. |
PROXYPASSWORD | Password used in proxy server authentication if any. |
PROXYVERIFYPWD | Confirmation of the password used in proxy server authentication if any. |
SHOWCLIENT | Reads client's visibility from registry |
SHOWCONTROLPANEL | Reads control panel's visibility from registry |
FORCESHOWCLIENT | Default behaviour of client's visibility can be overridden |
FORCESHOWCONTROLPANEL | Default behaviour of control panel's visibility can be overridden |
WHITELABEL | TRUE for special white label partners, they are identified with their MAH or account email address (e.g. Continuum). |
HIDECOMPUTERUSERNAME | 1 indicates that computer user name should be hidden during installation and a registry key (HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\HideComputerUserName) is set to hide it in the application as well. For white label partners it is hidden by default. |
ACCESSCODESET | Set automatically if LogMeInRemoteUser exists or no password is required, in this case computer user name should be hidden. |
KIOSKMODE | Reads the value from HKLM\Software\LogMeIn\V5\Appearance\KioskMode and disables client and control panel if true. |
Would one of these, or perhaps a different command stop the install from querying an internal CA even though it is using its own?
- GlennD6 months agoGoTo Manager
Hi scurry, welcome to the community.
Can you provide some more details around the issue you are trying to solve?
- scurry6 months agoNew Contributor
Thanks! 🙂
The install is using the default 'self-signed' method but for some reason it is still querying the internal CA on every install. I do have a support ticket open it, but it hasn't progressed, and I came across this case which is the first time I've seen the install commands and was curious if there was a switch/command to suppress any querying of the internal CA or something of that effect.