Forum Discussion
Same issue here today and yesterday. Two LogMeIn Central hosts had updated themselves, and the default permissions for BUILTIN\Users do not allow Keystrokes which means users cannot type when they connect via LogMeIn, nor Blank Screen because that's also been added.
Since we don't also pay for the Automations add-in, there is no way for me to remotely update every PC so I may have to visit them all and update each.
Whilst I'm grateful for the new permissions, the fact they prohibit existing established behaviour (and with no warning) doesn't fill me with confidence for LogMeIn's ability to test updates.
Hey DBedford ,
May I ask for my own purposes if your affected users are on host version 15512 or 15530?
Per Glenn's post above, hosts should have stopped getting updated to 15512 as of June 21st. But I checked the release notes again today, and I see that new version 15530 was released June 27th (today), and it is indicated for 15530 that this issue should be fixed. None of my hosts have been automatically updated to 15530 yet, so I don't know, but I'm just looking to plan accordingly as needed.
For your purposes, please don't take my word for it because I'm just a random guy, but maybe a workable solution could be to force the affected hosts to update to 15530? We can trigger hosts to update from the Central admin control web interface.
- DBedford9 months agoNew Contributor
Happy to confirm!
Most of our hosts are running 15460.
The two hosts that updated and broke are running 15512.
I've updated a machine today and it's updated to 15530 and does not have the new permission options, so presumably works fine (haven't tested it yet).
A solution I had in the works was to export the registry key from the BUILTIN\Users group that had the permissions for Blank Screen and Keystrokes granted, then to deploy that via group policy to affected machines.
The registry key is in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LogMeIn\V5\Permissions and it's called AccessMask. One subkey is created for each user being granted permission, so as long as I was targeting a group all users were in, it should apply fine.