Forum Discussion

Chris_Hanley's avatar
New Member
11 months ago

Installing client on Horizon instant clones?

We have a number of users in a VDI environment.  We have recently switched from persistent/user assigned machines, to Horizon Instant clones.  We would like to know if there is a way to deploy the client to these clones?  We are using folder redirection and FsLogix for profile management.

The issues we are wondering are:

1 - when a user logs on, we could deploy the Logmein client.  Their machine would show up in our Logmein Central console.  Could we just deploy it to our gold image?

2 - When a user logs off, the machine is destroyed, but would remain in the Logmein Central console.  This then repeats with each user logon/logoff.  Is there a better way to manage this?

3 - What is the best way to utilize Logmein on instant clone machines in a VDI environment?


We have been a long time logmein customer and really like it, but perhaps our environment is not supported?  I couldn't find any documentation.


1 Reply

  • Hi Chris_Hanley, welcome to the community.


    I've checked with our team and their suggestions are:


    •  For the setup you could create a multiple use deployment package, which you should install as part of the setup script: msiexec /i LogMeIn.msi
    • If you already included the LogMeIn Client in your VM image you can attach it to Central with this command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn\x64\LogMeIn.exe" attach <deploy_id>  
      The <deploy_id> is the "c" parameter of the installation link of the deploy package.
    • To remove the LogMeIn instance from Central during logout you should uninstall the LogMeIn software from their computer. You can do it by uninstalling the software: msiexec /x LogMeIn.msi or with this command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn\x64\LogMeIn.exe" uninstall