Forum Discussion
how was the connection problem fixed?
- Username120344 years agoNew Contributor
I was able to log into LogMeIn Ignition. There's still some graphical quirks and I haven't gotten any remote connections to work yet. Here's my current setup.
I installed LogMeIn Ignition on a windows computer and copied the C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn Ignition folder to my Linux machine.
Installed packages (Arch Linux). Make sure the multi-lib repository is enabled in /etc/pacman.conf. The nss-mdns package provides the domain name resolution library for 32bit wine prefixes. It's what fixes our networking.
pacman -S wine winetricks nss-mdns lib-gnutls samba winetricks lib32-gst-plugins-base lib32-gst-plugins-good lib32-libpng lib32-mpg123 lib32-giflib
Creating a 32bit wine prefix and settings the OS to Windows 7
export WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
Running LogMeIn. Using 2FA will cause the window to freeze. Use phone verification instead.
wine LogMeIn\ Ignition/LMIIgnition.exe -opengl 2>~/wine.log
I'm learning how to use wine. I'll update this post if things work out.
- Username120344 years agoNew Contributor
I'm not trying to install LogMeIn anymore.
I'm using a stripped down version of windows 10 and changed the default login shell to LogMeIn.Logging into the user will automatically open the program which is good enough for me.
RDP/Spice is available on the localhost address.
Disabling the Windows key makes it function *kinda* like a normal window