Forum Discussion
The suggested fix does not appear to work for me, either. LMI has been restarted or the PCs have been rebooted altogether. Ran installation for LMI AV again and get the message "Could not apply policy. Try again later." Windows Defender still shows as the active AV.
Glad I didn't use GPO to disable Defender. Second-guessing my decision to ditch Webroot for this.
1. Restart LMI or reboot PC. (Machines will still show Defender as active AV.)
2. Reinstall LMI. (Messages state "Could not apply policy". Machines still show Defender as active AV.)
3. Request Status Update. (Machines now show LMI AV as active AV.)
- pcatonoutpost6 years agoActive Contributor
The behavior I am seeing is that a client will show AV is not installed (even though it is installed). This started on Tuesday. We have tried restaring the PCs. We have tried to redeploy the AV policy. We have tried to redeploy AV itself. Nothing helps. Then, after 24-48 hours, the problem goes away on its own. That is to say, a client's AV status suddenly shows "good" again without any intervention on our part.
We have found that if a client has been offline for a few days (was powered off Tuesday, but was powered back on, on Thursday, for example), then this process of the AV showing "unable to activate," etc. starts for this client. So it would seem that ever since Tuesday, when a client "checks in" for the first time, then the console reports that AV is not licensed/activated/not installed and that it takes 24-48 hours or more for the console to correct the AV status of a client. This happens for every one of our clients.
In terms of a fix for this issue- I really wish Support would provide us with updates. I agree with others that things like this happen. We, as customers, just would like regular updates as to the status and resolution of the problem. If our only option is to wait and wonder when this issue will be addressed, well, this just breeds frustration.