Forum Discussion
Here's our latest...
Install LMI AV then wait 10+ minutes
Request AV status update wait 10+ minutes
Sometimes works sometimes doesn't
Wait 12+ hours and try again
All machines show LMI AV installed, active, and up-to-date when you log in locally
We're now up to ~75% reporting correctly
Is there a command that will delete a client from the LMI Central Dashboard? Is there a command to join the client back to the dashboard without using the GUI? If so, we could make a script to remove the client, rejoin it, and push AV back out through the dashboard. This would automate what I've done manually to fix this on some servers.
The downside to deleting the client from the dashboard is the client losing LMI remote control capability. I've been using RDP to reconnect via the client GUI. However, RDP is not an option for all of our clients so the fix I did on servers won't work on everything else.