Forum Discussion

ISSIT's avatar
New Member
6 years ago

Logmein Antivirus security control panel wont open

Good Morning.

I have been a Central subscriber for many years and love the product. I was very excited to have AV be integrated.  One issue I am having is the security console will not open on any client.  You click on the icon and nothing happens. It does not matter what version of windows.  I realize that silent mode may be the culprit, I was hoping to keep it silent, but be able to access the console as the admin on each client.

Am I missing something?


Thanks in advance

1 Reply

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    Hi ISSIT ,

    Have you tried opening from the task bar as well as the programs list ( C:\Program Files\LogMeIn\Endpoint\epconsole)?


    Are all of these machines running Windows 10?

    Are we sure that the software is running by viewing the task manager?