Forum Discussion

Newnetwork's avatar
Active Contributor
6 years ago

Logmein AV - Block Certificate credentials from sites (https)

Good Morning,   I have some site that require authentication by certificate already installed. Whit LogmeinAV, even completely disabling each component not appear a little window that ask to proce...
  • Keurig's avatar
    6 years ago

    This is what we received from our account rep.  We have tested it and it does appear to work.  Looks like prior to LMI v. turning off the traffic scan and anti-phishing feature doesn't really turn it off.  After 13002 and an uninstall and re-install of LMI-AV, it behaves as expected.  (on a side note, it may have introduced a new issue possibly causing network printing issues - but we are still tracking this down - but odd it has happened only on computers with 13002 and an uninstall/re-install of LMI-AV with these 2 components turned off).  


    This issue is somewhat more complicated than it might look at first as Bitdefender is not about to replace their old Content Control driver (that causes the issue) with the new one via product update in the near future (only via clean installs). Our take on this was to completely shut down the related core module (called NetDefender, that provides Antiphishing and TrafficScan their functionalities) if both Antiphishing and TrafficScan are disabled. The new host ( contains this modification.


    As a temporary solution one can update their LogMeIn host to and disable Antiphishing and TrafficScan via LogMeIn AV policy.


    In the long run however, I would suggest running the batch script (attached) with O2M (as admin) and initiate a clean install of LogMeIn AV from Central afterwards.


    To check whether the customer is using the new Content Control driver, run sc query bddci in a Command Prompt and make sure that it does not fail.

    If it does fail, then the customer is using the old one (also if that's the case, sc query bdfwfpf should not fail)


    Below is the batch script, save as a .bat file and you can run it as a One2Many task:


    echo off
    FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%A IN ('reg.exe query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Endpoint Security" /v "UninstallString"') DO SET "UninstallString=%%B"
    %UninstallString% /silent /remove
    shutdown.exe /r /t 10