Forum Discussion
2 years agoGoTo Contributor
Install application from the web by the application's ID and version.
Without specifying the version, winget installs the latest version of the application.
You can find the ID of the app via the 'winget search' command.
$appId = $null
$version = $null
$PlatformString = if([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem){"x64"} else{"x86"}
function IsVistualMachine
if((Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).model -like "*virtual*"){return $true}
function Get-RegUninstallKey
param (
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
$uninstallKeys = @("registry::HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall")
if($PlatformString -eq "x64"){$uninstallKeys += "registry::HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"}
$softwareTable = @()
foreach ($key in $uninstallKeys)
$softwareTable += Get-Childitem $key | Get-ItemProperty | where displayname | Sort-Object -Property displayname
if ($DisplayName)
$softwareTable | where displayname -Like "*$DisplayName*"
$softwareTable | Sort-Object -Property displayname -Unique
function IsVisualCppRedistrubutable2019OrLaterInstalled
$keys = Get-RegUninstallKey -DisplayName "Microsoft Visual C++ * Redistributable ($PlatformString)"
foreach ($key in $keys){
if([System.Version]$key.BundleVersion -ge [System.Version]""){return $true} # version 2015-2019
function Install-VisualC {
$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$WebClient.DownloadFile($url, "$env:Temp\vc_redist.exe")
start-process "$env:temp\vc_redist.exe" -argumentlist "/q /norestart" -Wait
# If Visual C++ Redist. not installed, install it
if ((IsVistualMachine) -and -not (IsVisualCppRedistrubutable2019OrLaterInstalled))
Write-Host -message "Suitable version of Visual C++ not found. Attempting to install"
try {
Catch [System.InvalidOperationException]{
Write-Host -message "Error installing Visual C++ redistributable. Attempting install once more"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Catch {
Write-Host -message "Failed to install Visual C++ redistributable!"
Write-Host -message $_
exit 1
if (-not (IsVisualCppRedistrubutable2019OrLaterInstalled)){Write-Host -message "Suitable version of Visual C++ Redistributable not found!" ; exit 1}
else {Write-Host -message "Successfully installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable ($PlatformString)"}
function GetWingetPath
$WingetPath = (Get-ChildItem "$env:programfiles\WindowsApps" -Recurse -File
| where { $ -like "AppInstallerCLI.exe" -or $ -like "Winget.exe" }
| select -ExpandProperty fullname
| Sort-Object -Property @{Expression={[Version][RegEx]::Match($_, "_(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)_").Groups[1].Value}; Descending=$true})
if ($WingetPath.count -gt 1) { $WingetPath = $WingetPath[0] }
$winget = GetWingetPath
if($null -eq $winget){
Write-Host "Winget not found!"
exit 1
&$winget install --id $appId -v $version --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --silent
&$winget install --id $appId --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --silent