Forum Discussion
Hi AshC
Thanks for the reply however given the sea of forum compaints regarding LogMeIn performance I don't hold much hope that this is just an isolated incident or that (short of some major infrastructure investment/upgrades) you'll be able to fix the problem.
To clarify I've been using LogMeIn since 2007 during which time performance has slowly degraded to the point where the product is virtually unusable, you must be aware of these ongoing issues..?
martinbristow Sorry, I don't know of any ongoing, under investigation, or known issues like the ones you describe. When I remotely connect myself, at the office (T-1), I have a delay of less than 1 second. If your performance degradation longer than that in all environments, would you be able to call into support directly instead of creating an email case? This would help us document any connection problems that could even be geographically isolated.
- martinbristow7 years agoActive Contributor
Ok so just got off the phone to 'Charles' in LogMeIn support Costa Rica and as suspected he wasn't able to help & insited the problem is "at our end". He wasn't even interested in testing our account specifically until I insisted he try which I find very odd.
As discussed we can reproduce the behavior when accessing LogMeIn from several different sites & across many different machines, apparently the problem is still "at our end".
Very frustrating support experience to say the least, as I say we will be leaving for ScreenConnect as soon our subscription expires.
- rayray19827 years agoNew Contributor
Our company has been with LogMeIn for around 7+ years and their support has been nonexsistent since pretty muchd day 1 for us as well. Every time we call, email, or write complaints on their forum; either our complaints will go unanswered, the LogMeIn support tech will deflect and say nothing is wrong with anything related to LogMeIn , or they will supposedly gather all of the info we gave them, say they will troubleshoot said issue on their end, will give us a case # and they will contact us in X amount of days. BUT naturally, we never hear back from LogMeIn again.
At this point we have actually stopped calling & emailing LogMeIn whenever we need support since it was a huge waste of our time. LogMeIn even gave us a direct # to an employee that was supposed to be our go-to support
person. Every time we call that person either they wont answer or someone screens their call and says this is no longer his/her number. Luckily, we have been able to troubleshoot our own issues with trial & error.
With the severe lack in any form of support, massive & unreasonable price increases and their software not functioning as well as it used to; we are moving on as well.
If LogMeIn would pretend to care about their customers just once and take a look at their forums alone, they would realize their support is severly lacking at all levels. Most help is from other users. The rare time a LogMeIn employee answers, it will be to place blame elsewhere and they will not respond again.
- AshC7 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
rayray1982 I am sorry to hear about your poor experience with support. If you like, we can review your case and escalate it as needed. If you have a case number and contact info, please direct message me in this community with the best way to reach you via telephone.
- AshC7 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
martinbristow I apologize if the support experience came to no conclusions. If you click on my Community name, you may send me your contact information to have a technician review the case as soon as possible.