Forum Discussion
Let me add that this is something lacking in other products too - I've recently tried to test out the Spiceworks free inventory tool that puts a little agent on machines and nope, no build info for that one either. Seems ridiculous. However, on your server, there is an easy powershell command that can run and get the Windows builds (but the machines all have to be on a private setting for access) but it worked for me - at least I got the info I needed:
Hi abbeyinscal, I appreciate the info and tips!
I do NOT have any servers, my environments are Cloud only ... so server-based approach will not work ;o) ... and I recommend that SMBs (most of my customers) get rid of servers ... to avoid VPN and Solarwind like issues.
LogMeIn agent already collects version info (per device), but the info is NOT available in Central, in aggregated format - for all devices - to facilitate proper management, security and compliance...
I cannot use share/free ware, and I do NOT want multiple management agents on devices - which create security risks ... I understand there are options (that provide that basic info) and that I will have to consider... e.g. Microsoft Endpoint Manager, Team Viewer or Continuum (which seems to be using LogMeIn as a back end platform ;o)
- Adrian_Forte4 years agoActive Contributor
It really is. I don't want to scale down. I don't want to switch products. We all know what a pain in the backside that is. Starting all over, getting a new vendor, and then hoping they weren't selling you a lot of false promises. I would much rather they just fix this. I bet a lot of us are programmers here, and we're not so easily fooled about how long something takes. A good programming team could pump out a corrected inventory system in a week, a couple of weeks tops if we're doing a paranoid level of bug checking. Which, let's face it, this is LMI, so no bug checking is going to happen. So, yeah, a week or so.
- Rob284 years agoActive Contributor
It's disappointing that LMI cannot address relatively simple reporting challenge - they already capture the information at device detail level ;o(
I have scaled down my LMI footprint this year, and for customers who are interested in integrating IT and cybersecurity management - we move completely to M365 platform - endpoint management, inventory, configuration, protection etc.
- BillMobile14 years agoNew Contributor
Uhg, I wish I had a good recommendation; We use the asset module for ServiceDeskPlus by ManageEngine. Its a good product, but the way that the agent runs to scan computers is my only complaint; You schedule it to scan computers at a particular time, and if that computer isn't online, the scan fails. 90% of my seats are scattered across the country and using cellular hotspots to connect, on different shifts, etc., so I have a lot of devices only scanning once or twice a month. Its a pain for pushing GPO's, too.
Other than that its a decent product, integrates well into ManageEngines other modules and wasnt too pricey, all things considered.
- abbeyainscal4 years agoActive Contributor
Just out of curiosity - what asset tracking software? Never found one I "love".....
- BillMobile14 years agoNew Contributor
Yep, 2016 here as well. Started off with 40 seats and am at around 500 now.
I wanted to use our Asset tracking software to monitor this, but the agent only runs at certain intervals, and since we are decentralized, some clients agent only connects every few days. I figured LMI is present as soon as they are online, so it would be the way to go.
My network admin has been pushing ConnectWise over LMI for a while, and as time goes on it seems like it may be a more viable solution (so much more robust controls over the end user device)... I even worked money into the budget in case we go that direction. Oh well...
- Adrian_Forte4 years agoActive Contributor
You would be wise for not holding your breath. LogMeIn has managed to keep some bugs going since I started using the product at 2016. At this point, you'd actually have to put work into maintaining some of these bugs that long. They have your money, what do they are about improvements. Until someone comes along who's a legit competitor to them, you're not going to get squat. TeamViewer, while simpler (and better), in some ways, is twice as much money, with a lot less functionality.
Frankly. I would take less functionality for more improvements in what we already have that can only be considered "working" by only the most charitable of evaluations.
- BillMobile14 years agoNew Contributor
LOL, yeah... its 2022 and this still looks like its going nowhere.
I came looking because build number has become even more important since LMI is showing any Windows 11 computers I have as Windows 10, and the only way to differentiate is to check the build number (Win 11 is currently showing as Windows 10 (whatever edition & architecture) build: 22000.
With the existing issue where a user without local admin can upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11, I was hoping to set up an alert to tell me if any of our 500 or so devices upgrades while I wait on our network admin to get a GPO in place blocking the upgrade. Since people have been waiting since 2019, Im not holding my breath.
- Adrian_Forte4 years agoActive Contributor
It's been a top request for two years and three months. I don't think "top request" means what they think it means....
- MikeB14 years agoNew Member
Hi Ash & all.
Is there any update for this? I have over 2000 systems on LogMeIn and I would like to know if there is a way of generating a report to show the operating system version of each system. For online systems, you can login and see each version, but this will take quite some time.
Is there any option to see operating systems for offline computers?
Kind regards,
- abbeyainscal4 years agoActive Contributor
2 years almost to the day! Yes we can get the build by clicking into each machine and then logging on - yuck, just make it available on the reports.....we are a small enough shop where I don't really need Manage Engine or the like....just need to stay on top of my machine builds. Having said that, I just deployed WUFB via GPO so maybe all my machines will get up to date and I can forget about the builds for a while....
- Rob284 years agoActive Contributor
Thank you AshC. ... and thank you PolarWizzle for bringing this up years ago! ;o)
I've heard the developer review approach a year or two ago ... I second Polar Wizzle thought on discussion of the topic ... only common sense decision is needed ;o)
This is not a "I want" feature, this is a "I need / must have" feature.
- PolarWizzle4 years agoActive ContributorThank you AshC.
I am surprised... this was raised years ago and it now only going to be reviewed, surely a review would have been conducted in the time that has elapsed‽
Personally speaking, no review is necessary it is a no-brainer and should simply be added to the development programme. - AshC4 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
Hi all,
We will be bringing this development idea to the table soon for review. Thanks for your patience.
- PolarWizzle4 years agoActive ContributorThat’s true!
Come on LogMeIn, earn yourself a some kudos by getting it sorted. It will be of huge benefit to your users. - abbeyainscal4 years agoActive Contributor
Ha right - that took more effort than just pulling the build number!
- Adrian_Forte4 years agoActive Contributor
You know what's especially funny.... someone took the time to make a function in the inventory that tells you how OLD the OS is. I'm guessing that age is calculated based on the date that the machine's particular build number was released. Maybe? But since it just says "Age of OS" with no explanation of how that calculation is derived, it's pretty useless to me.
Just, PLEASE, give us the build number. This cannot be a hard thing to do, and it would be an amazingly useful thing.
- Rob284 years agoActive Contributor
Yeah ... but I'm not paid by the hour ;o) ... and I do not have admin access to all devices ... the less access I have the better I sleep at night ;o)
Managing by policy is the idea, not by hands on access to each device.
- abbeyainscal4 years agoActive Contributor
Oh yes, you are limited then without AD. However, if it's not too many machines, you can command line on each of them to get the build...through LMI...might be an option...